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Ok so the second part of the goodie bag which contains all kinds of press goodies is set to go out end of March/April

Again this is for long time patreons for if you have been a member since October of 21 or are on the $20 & higher tiers you have access to this on release. 

Newer patreons can get their hands on this by either upgrading or completing the same duration in this case its being a parteon for a minimum of 4 months.

Now I have a question for everyone, I was going through my old hard drives doing clean up and I have 2 hard drives worth of IGN Insider and Gamespot Complete (For younger readers, these used to be subscription service files that were of higher quality of a variety of  exclusive screenshots, previews, videos and articles)

Its very organized and contains Screenshots, Videos, Previews, Reviews, Event coverage and so on. I even have quite a few written previews saved. 

Most of that stuff has been lost to time on the internet so if you guys would like me to add that stuff (the wrestling stuff at least to a separate batch) let me know.

I know most of you wont really be interested in the general video game stuff but for the few that are it pretty much covers 1999 to 2008




Yes please