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In mid 2004 William Regal returned to his role as lovable mentor,  Firstly with his paring with Eugene and then reuniting with long time partner Tajiri!

When this game released one of the easiest alt attires to add was regals trunks from late 04/05 run with tajiri, this however was not to be, until now!

So you can now go on a tear with either partner and state your claim to the world tag team titles with the correct attires, or perhaps have regal go after the one title that eluded him, the WWE title. 




It seem everybody or most wrestler are getting alt attire which is a plus lol thanks Scott 😄

Eric Murrill

you somehow combined their single entrances to make new tag team entrance animations?


There are several preset tag-team entrances that exist in SVR 06. Regal has one with Eugene and another with Tajiri.