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Foxy blocks!

- At egscomics 


The more I think about the building block, the more I nod like an insufferable know-it-all.

Which is cheating, because a) I wrote the darn thing, and b) the fact that I'm thinking of reasons it works AFTER I wrote it means I didn't think of some of those reasons before I committed to drawing it, and it's not THAT hard to make up reasons why a metaphor works after the fact.

NONETHELESS, behold the building blocks, and their helpful metaphorical information!

Nerdy Clarification!

To clarify, Tedd has taken elements from many separate spells, and merged them together to make singular spells.

In those cases, however, Tedd is crafting a new spell, and making them available to cast by using wands.

What Tedd is thinking about here is casting two spells as though they were one spell without creating a separate new spell.

For example, Tedd mastering the "Foxy" spell and the "Duplicate" spell, and making a wand with a spell that combines the effects into one spell, would not be the same as what Nanase just did.

If, however, Tedd put each of those spells into a wand as separate spells, and Tedd combined them while casting, that would be almost the same as what Nanase just did.

I say "almost" because, as Tedd points out, there's the x-factor of a wand being involved, so it's at least a little different. But for most intents and purposes, it would be the same thing.




Do you tend to think of the characters actually casting the spell? By which I mean, do you have the number of Mana points that Elliot has and some document somewhere? Or is it more loose and fluid at the writing stage? I'm wondering if Ted will think of combining spells as costing less energy I imagine it would definitely not stack the enchantment

David Fenger

Hm. It seems like combining two spells this way would be more stable than layering them... Could make for interesting effects duration wise.

Opus the Poet

Sexy hijinks...FOR SCIENCE!

Jenora Feuer

And, of course, the bit with Rhoda and Cat at the mall and stacked/linked spells indicates at least one potentially significant difference between multiple spells together and a single spell with all the effects: the multiple spell version can end up being more 'fragile' because any one of the spells ending or being dispelled can shut down the rest, but a single big spell would have to be shut down all at once.

A Red Mage Named Blue

I'm sure Ashley would be willing to volunteer as a test subject. For science, and no other reason


Now I want to see a sketch of Tedd testing a “combined feminine shrink” spell on Ashley.