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Science is weird sometimes.

- At egscomics 


I saw a couple of people jokingly predict something like this would happen, and it took all of my willpower to not let them know they were closer to right than they probably thought.

In any case, yes, there is weirdness afoot. Believe it or not, Nanase's duplicate spell isn't supposed to have an elevated foxiness option.



David Fenger

That was not the embarrassing scenario I imagined, but it's perfect.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA This is the problem with tunnel vision and single-mindedness (AI can run afoul of this at times too)


That's definitely some added foxiness

Michael Brewer

Also, Fox's top seems ...tighter, maybe?

Connor Mcharg

…y'know, I've heard that jujitsu is the art of gently folding clothes with people still in them…


I would say poor Nanase but I am too amused about this also foxier in multiple ways looking at the top which fits with the whole fox girl thing


She does appear to be... perkier, yes. Seemed that way in the last comic, now that you mention it. Can't decide if that's Magical Weirdness or Artistic License though 😁


That middle panel made me think, "That face when your boobs distract even you"

Stephen Gilberg

"There is weirdness afoot." So what else is new?


It was the shirt in a state of unfoldedness* that did it. *Spell check, that it is too a word!


lol, yeah I figured that out after panel 3, but that was my first thought before I finished reading it. I was a little disappointed honestly, lol.

Matt R

You know people would love to see a pinup based around Fox and Nanase's interaction here


Fantasy mode activate!