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In which Grace--AND ONLY GRACE--changes once again! Allegations of other unexplained changes are lies and conspiracy theories, I assure you.




Body Swap without a swap of location or age? Oh and graces gender


If there were non-Grace changes, AND THERE AREN'T, it would be an age swap with them changing places (the latter only happening to make it harder to notice at a glance).


I figured a hair/clothing/personality swap, but the way Dan put it is a simpler explanation. :)


I like that kind of bowl cut


It’s unfortunate that Grace has to put up with guys hitting on her. At least this guy isn’t too much of a jerk about it.


it's innocent flirtation...


I'm not going to say he's a villainous villain, because I don't think he is, but one really should be careful about flirting with people who are obligated to be where they are and talk to you as part of their job. It can put them in a really uncomfortable position they can't simply walk away from or be direct about regardless of innocent intent. I'd say a general rule of thumb is to simply not do so. I *was* going to say to wait for them to initiate, but so many people misinterpret "you need to smile for the customers" as "this person is flirting" that that's *probably* not a good rule of thumb ^^;


true Dan... if the server feels uncomfortable, she/he should talk to their supervisor. especially if it goes beyond "banter"


ha ha, background char's too :D


The way he goes about it puts it on the fair side of the line, speaking as a long-time counter slave. The start seems like it's almost on auto-pilot, like someone who thinks he has to have his charm rays turned to 11 all the time, but he doesn't push the matter at Grace's polite resistance. He just bows out and finishes his purchase.