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Thinkiness Test

- At egscomics


I enjoy writing someone trying to be scientific, and doing better than average when compared to many characters in fiction, but still an amateur who, to a degree, is muddling through things with statistically insignificant data sets.

Completely unrelated, but I like Mythbusters.


Grace, meanwhile, would just instantly know the answer (24,601).

I, too, cannot do multiplication like that quickly in my head. I can do it, I know my basic multiplication tables and such, but I'm nowhere near fast enough to justify not using a calculator, and I could easily make a mistake at each step.

Also, once any of the numbers get a third digit involved, I declare "NOPE."

I know how to do it, but with how easily I get sidetracked, my short term memory is like an excitable dog that's going to lose track of everything at any moment. I'm writing it down, or I'm using a calculator. That simple.

Which, fortunately for me, is simple enough these days. Apologies to my former math teachers, but it is now more common than not to have quick access to a calculator at almost all times (we were once warned this would not be the case).

Granted, maybe I'd be better at doing multiplication in my head were that not the case, but I'm not going to complain about not having to.



Stephen Gilberg

Nice to know Nanase's limits. But I'm sure she's still quicker at mental math than Susan.


Tedd has spent too much time around Grace.

Joe Blue

...so am I the only one who thought it was a Kubrick joke?


I was pretty good at head math, but 11 years of working in Accounts Receivable with Exel open all day every day, and my basic math skills have gone to shit. Also cannot justify the *chance* my head might be wrong

Opus the Poet

I used to do mental math to stay awake when I lived in Dallas and had a business in Nashville that I needed to check up on before I finally shut it down. Basically I would be doing MPG to the 3rd significant digit back when gas was like $1.50 a gallon in the late 80s/1990. When the O2 sensor worked I got like 38-40 MPG, but only 33-34 when it needed to be replaced.


I can do this math without even lifting a finger! "OK Google, what is 73 times 337?"