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Just curious about opinions regarding lipstick, and I suppose makeup in general, in my style. This is another poll that's initially $5+ patrons only before opening up to all patrons later due to wanting a wider opinion.

Answers Rundown:

Yes = Makeup when contextually fitting. Not on everyone, and not a default outcome of female transformation, but there when it fits.

*Very* Yes = Lipstick and such is good! Make it more common in general!

No = I don't like how it looks, and would rather lipstick and eye shadow, etc, just not be there even if it suits the situation.

I'm so indifferent right now you don't even know = I'm too indifferent to elaborate on this one.



Just never on Susan. Liz, Goth and mall/Goth Elliot would not look right with out it. I repeat, however, never on Susan, if she is in a "sexy" transformation.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Yes but rarely. Not default for female transformation or for sexy female transformation or for exaggeratedly female transformation. Only when it's <i>required by</i> the context.