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As per last time, the 1920 width version is the downloadable below.

EDIT: Assuming I upload the right one! Fixed >_<

EDIT 2: Also, I don't think I even need to include it as a separate attachment anymore, though that way does maintain the file name for anyone downloading them (which keeps them in order).

EDIT 3: Fixed parenthesis in panel 3.




Sara's sleeves, and headband


At this point my assumption is that Nanase is in the closet and is playing around with her switch ray without anyone knowing. That or Sarah has developed an uncontrollable clothes-switching spell in this timeline.


Dude it's the clothing fairies

Rachel Greenham

What I'm looking forward to: Change blindness is not infallible, some people are more observant than others, and she will get spotted doing it one of these days... 😅


I think most people would assume they remember incorrectly and move on. I know magic is not the first thing I would think of if it were to happen to me.


Omg, even knowing about the skirt change from last page, I STILL completely failed to notice those.


Keep it as an attachment. If it's not, it can't be downloaded from the app.


I bet Sarah's wearing pants under that speech bubble


I would support all of those options. Dan, ideas for next month, right here.


That's all the excuse I need. Honestly, I wanted to keep them so the file name would stick around for sorting purposes.