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I've gotten feedback about finally transforming Mr. Verres as one of the my choice pinups, and I've decided the only appropriate transformation would be a female one (at least to start with).

There are a few options for that, however, so... Yeah. There's a poll function. I'm going to use it! This will be one of two polls, the second eventual one involving clothing.

All but the first option would involve keeping his glasses, and all involve losing the mustache (my apologies to those who want his mustache to be a constant of the universe).



Perhaps Mr. Verres has already been transformed. After all, <em>someone</em> <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2326" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">recently appeared as Cheerleadra in public while Elliot was at school</a>. We don’t know who. Could have been him.


For some reason I'm picturing his transformation as a daydream that Lavender is having - maybe in a thought bubble. However it goes, she's staring at him with a dreamy expression and he's totally unaware.


This is awesome, and it could be totally in-canon. I am totes down with this. O_O