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Who is George?

- At egscomics 


Only one comic left! And then, an EGSNP break.

I'm not sure how long of a break, as my writing focus has been on the main story, and I still need to decide on what's next in EGSNP. I might need to make it a "I will announce it on the main page when EGSNP is returning" thing.

Grey borders

Grey, rounded borders are meant to imply a fantasy or flashback, so one might wonder why I didn't have them in the previous comic.

The reason is because I wanted that moment of "wait, what?" for everyone to experience, and the grey, rounded borders would've given the game away too quickly.

They are a tool of communication, and I did not want to communicate that yet.

Choosing a Female Character

I originally planned to show that George was playing a female character in one of his games, but I found properly showing that awkward (especially without having previously established visuals for the game, which would have revealed the character early).

MUCH later, when I came up with George fantasizing about having the Cheerleadra ability, I liked it a lot more.

Darker Hair

I made George-leadra's hair darker for four reasons.

One, Elliot started making Cheerleadra's hair lighter after the first incident.

Two, George is thinking about how great a disguise it is, but I wanted the hairstyle to remain recognizable, so a change in hair (and eye) color seemed like a good compromise.

Three, I prefer the contrast with the outfit that resulted.

Four, I don't like hair universally turning lighter with power ups, so I liked making it darker this time.




Dan, I think the list of characters in your comic who AREN'T trans is becoming faster to say than mentioning all the ones who are (which is great, keep it up)

Opus the Poet

Of course the costume has a boobwindow...

Daryl Sawyer

Given there's no cleavage line in that oval, it could just as easily be a blank logo space.


Last comic you said this one would answer any questions we might have. i still have questions. Specifically, what did George hear. Did no one else hear it? Why did George run off? (“To fantasize about turning into a superhero” seems an inadequate answer)


He didn’t hear anything, nor did he run off. The whole thing was a fantasy.

Wild Card

Since when did George have a super form?? Was he touched by an immortal and we didn't know that until now? And if it is just his imagination, bad form on ditching the others and not going to the restaurant


It was imagination, Ellen is in the foreground, and Larry is in the background. No ditching happened.


"I just think it's a great disguise"... sure george, no egg thoughts there, none at all...


It may be a fantasy, but I am claiming a successful prediction anyway! :)

Ellen Kuhfeld

I've not thought of EGS and Revolutionary Girl Utena at the same time before, but that "egg" comment would fit the confusion of Nanami and her Little Egg. The strip and the anime both have their share of surrealism, though.