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Hey $50+ dudes, and $50+ people who prefer not being called dudes. Assuming no one takes the last $100 slot and all other numbers remain as is, September request / milestone sketchbooks will begin Thursday, September 4th. The first will be a milestone comic so I can get started on it right away, and I would appreciate requests ASAP in September (though if you need time to decide, definitely take it.) That said, I want to clarify a few things about "forms" and the requesting thereof: 1 - They don't have to be forms we've seen, and they can be minor variations, big variations, whatever. For example, V5 was popular in August, but if someone just wanted the, uh... longer hair aspect (yeah, let's go with that), that'd be fine. The only limit, aside from relatively safe for work and/or not something I'm uncomfortable with drawing or having on the site, is that they should be recognizable as their character, at least in their starting or ending form if a sequence (unless it's a clone form of another EGS character. Then it gets wacky). 2 - Mental state can part of a form. For example, Elliot's party form includes a personality shift. One could request "Heidi" but with Elliot's normal personality, or someone else like Susan with a Heidi mindset. This could result in hammers, but it's acceptable. 3 - I've spent my whole life feeling weird and inhibited because of said weirdness. While I might not accept a request for whatever reason, I'm not going to judge anyone for wanting whatever it is they want. If you're worried your request is too weird, don't be. You're helping keep EGS around for the long haul. Request what you want. The worst I might do is say no and explain my reasons. Lastly, the character / form / outfit limitations are there to keep things under control and keep people from requesting overly specific things beyond those three aspects. That said, if there's something you'd like to see included that doesn't fall under those three categories, you may as well mention it, because it could happen, and again, the worst I'll do is say "no" and explain why. Little Nase adjusting Susan's crown in that one sketchbook, for example, was totally outside the request limits I've set, and I could've justifiably said no to it. Nonetheless, there she is.



I love Patreon, but their e-mail notifications aren't always stellar, hence it taking 20 hours for me to reply to this comment ^^; The easiest way to communicate about this is through the site's message system. Below the milestone listings and the picture of Grace on my Patreon is the "Contact" button. You can message me through there. I plan to message everyone who hasn't contacted me yet on September 1st, however, so one doesn't even need to do anything but wait if they're not ready to message me before then :)