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I can't please everyone, particularly with pinups, BUT I am curious about preferences with clothing during transformations, so here we go:

When a character transforms, which of these options for their clothing do you like? You can choose as many as you like.

Edit: This poll is initially $5+ only, but I'm going to want as many views on this as possible, so it will eventually open up.

Edit 2: You can choose as many options as you like.



dear god is that a lot of choices


One of the reasons I did this poll was the thought that maybe some of the things I've been doing really weren't the most popular options. Early results say this thought had merit.


There's some overlap between "clothing doesn't change at all for good or ill" and "clothing winds up too loose for all" which may be misleading, fwiw

David Chuhay

I'm pretty sure we need more lumberjack transformations.


Oh Man, Sexy Lumberjacks... I've always loved characters busting out of clothes Hulk style But it kinda depends on the transformation


It really does vary by transformation.


I picked "just enough" but I think proportionality comes into play -- e.g. a regular shirt bares some midriff if the character got taller/more muscular.


heh heh, clothing becomes a lumberjack outfit... tempting... also want to see how creative you can get and how far you can stretch "lumberjack outfit"... especially to accommodate some of those other choices

The Learned Soldier

Obviously the only correct answer here is the Lumberjack outfit.


Question is a bit big. I'd say it depends a lot on the transformation in question.


Should have an entire month where pinups are of poll winners in appropriately fitting lumberjack outfits.


If anyone did not realize you can vote for more than one option, please speak up. If there are several such, Dan may want to clarify that at the top.

John Trauger

Naturally the Monty Python lumberjack song came to mind. Oddly appropriate since the Lumberjack Song transforms a transformation of sorts between a rugged outdoorsman to an effeminate girly-girl.

John Trauger

The sketchbook of Nanase as Firefly's Jane would be a starting point for one drawing. The hat is sort-of lumberjack-y... There would have to be suspenders.


Lumberjack is the only answer here. Honestly it depends on the transformation. My vote is for what fits, and pleases the artist as that will lead to the best composition.

David Fenger

Whatever fits the change best, or is funniest. Or both.


Okay, clearly I am the only EGS fan on Patreon who did <em>not</em> know that. Going to go crawl into a closet and hide now …


This is a complex question. It depends ultimately on the transformation. I'm an old TSA List / <a href="http://Transform.to" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://Transform.to</a> reader, so my default is to leave clothing alone for good or bad -- with shrinking resulting in oversized clothing, growth resulting in stretched and torn clothes, et cetera. Having clothes match the new form -- himbo/bimbo clothes for himbo/bimbo transformations, no clothes for furry transofmrations, etc -- works too, but I tend to look askew at certain types of transformations having this. A magic potion (sorry Téa) causing clothing change is just a bit odd, whereas a magic zap causing it is less surprising. Of course, someone who finds themselves transformed whole cloth -- "rebirth" transofmrations, that is -- should end up naked. Sailor Moon style sparkles are optional, but encouraged. ;)

Merle Blue

So many choices, all of them lovely in different ways...