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Thinking fast!

- At egscomics 


The one with there just being dirt, and one that says the wall was just to leave a message, combine to make what is PROBABLY the most sensible answer (with the note that Ellen would not blatantly tell them the wall was just to leave a message, as that would be like having word of god on the matter).

Poor Ellen, however, PROBABLY doesn't want to end her game on "you accomplish nothing, your behavior was foolish, and you should be ashamed of yourselves."

I mean, sure, if people start swinging pickaxes at a wall in a fantasy world with text from another reality on it, they deserve to be called out on it, but that doesn't make that a good note to end on.




Ah, the Doomlock Aerial Boulder Squad strikes!


I kinda like the rock monster idea.


KABOOM! The party is sent into Nanase's home dimension!


I think that this wall being a barrier between universes would be a great idea.Hopefully their universe is not an antimatter one😶


This is now the most accurate simulator of dnd


Even in a one-shot adventure like this one, I always like to leave the players wanting a little more. "The stone of the wall is hard, and progress through it is slow going, but eventually your pickaxes break through to a hollow space behind, and through these cracks golden light begins to shine... And that's where we *would* pick up next time, but this was a one shot! Hope you guys had fun!" ... "Well, sure I guess I *could* run a second session... Same time next week?" 😈


I prepared explosive runes today


Where was the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom! Ah, there it is.


A Something*Positive callback!

Kenneth A Graves

I like the underground river idea. They now have (1) limited time to get out, and (2) a challenge to solve to get back in position to see what is beyond the water.

Stephen Gilberg

You could just put some gold back there and call it a day, but that's gambling with player satisfaction.