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The game ends!

- At egscomics 


- George decides to get a pickaxe

- EVERYONE decides to get a pickaxe

Perfect! I didn't want to go over 151 comics in this storyline, so all I have to do is quickly wrap up the non-game stuff in the next comic, and wait what's George doing GEORGE NO!


Okay, FINE. WHATEVER. I didn't want to have to wrap up the non-game stuff in one comic ANYWAY. I guess it'll just be done when it's done.

See if I care!


At least everyone who was wondering when the pickaxes would come into play will be happy.




So annoying when characters get out of control of the writer.


... that's going to unleash the sevens hells won't it.

Merle Blue

George, George no. George that's how a quick one-shot campaign turns into a hook for a five year mission


George isn't ready to stop.

Stephen Gilberg

Your homework is to use George's line in RL.


A few strips back, George recognized the scenario despite Ellen's alterations. George knows what's behind that wall. (Unless Ellen changes that, too.)


George acting on behalf of us all


This is every party ever. George decided to take the test up a notch

Ed Abrams (aka The Superdak)

Well, I know what would happen in MY game...as soon as a hole was knocked in the wall, a HUGE hand would come out and grab the sorceress, followed by the following Looney Tunes scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArNz8U7tgU4


Curve ball...

James C

The villain based their scheme on the fact that the wall has writing on. Destroy the wall, destroy the writing, prevent a repeat occurrence.


There are a few walls I need to break down in my life, but I can barely wield the pickaxe anymore.

Some Ed

George, George, YES! This is how a quick one-shot campaign turns into the author's second comic running perpetually in parallel to the first. ;)


It's also possible that George knows that the wall isn't in the original scenario, and ... yes, as someone else said below, decided that now that Ellen had thoroughly passed that level of test he was going to politely take it up a notch.

James C

"Greetings adventurers! Our guards recently came across this mysterious scroll, we are offering 50 gold pieces to anyone who can decipher it" is a lot less hassle than "trick adventurers into entering trap-filled abandoned mine to locate the elaborate engraved edifice". If anyone made a copy, it's unlikely to be carved into an immovable wall.


Or how a hook for a five year mission gets turned into a quick one-shot :V


There's also the slim possibility that the message written in a language from another universe is at least slightly important to people other than just the villain...