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One might assume that Magical Girl Tedd would fight weirdly themed monsters of some sort, but no. She just goes around transforming people who ask her to!

(And bullies and such, but let's focus on the altruism)




Aw, what a cutie!


Love the concept, not sure about the cape though.


So cute! Thank you so much!


Now that Tedd is a magical girl, we just need three of her friends to get killed

Ryan Flores

This is NOT the Puella magi series. Nor is it Canon sailor moon... shit gets dark........... then again.. a lot of Magical girls are dark..... fuck...


Well at least in Sailor Moon, they get better! Again... And again... And again... Man, Usagi's one giant reset button isn't she?

David Howe

but does she do it with a super-cute voice that is super-cute?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-18 16:56:12 ドジっ子魔女ちゃん、セクシーでいいですね!
2017-03-23 10:20:40 Second that.

Second that.