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Fancy Chicken Retrieval

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"It's a stereotype that all elves are into nature and animals, but I'm willing to take advantage of the chicken's prejudices for the sake of the mission."

"You think the chicken is prejudging you?"

"The fact that I am holding the chicken speaks for itself."



Jared Fattmann

Ranger/Bard for a "music soothes the savage beast" vibe is top of my list of multiclasses I want to do that don't really work with point buy/standard array


Made an Animal Speaker Bard in Pathfinder first edition. Character concept: "Totally not a Disney Princess".


Oh come on! Roll some dice! At least an animal handling check. The way Ellen is pushing things along, like letting the chicken kill the BBEG, and just giving PCs things makes it feel like ‘session has gone an hour overtime and DM is in storytelling mode to finish up campaign because no one wants another session’.


"you are now holding a chicken" is exactly what we want to hear in an rpg


At their level, should totally have required a animal handling check or (if feeling generous) a persuasion check... the potential for it to go badly is not to be ignored! 😁

Stephen Gilberg

I thought of that too, but there have been times I expected my DM to call for a roll and he didn't. Maybe he liked the arrangement too much to risk ruining it.


Animal Friendship is a 1st level bard spell, at least in 5e D&D

Some Ed

Sometimes, the skill roll you're looking at can only fail on a 1. Sometimes it can only fail on a 1 just because 1 is an automatic fail. In these cases, an automatic success is frequently called for. There are also times where it's needed for the narrative flow and it's an easy check so it makes sense to skip it. I kind of recall the DMG had better guidelines than this, but I haven't run games in long enough I don't remember exactly what they were.

Some Ed

Maribel is an award winning chicken. Do we know exactly what award? She may have enough awareness of the situation the roll was trivial.

Some Ed

Also, considering this is a chicken that just pecked the apparent big bad unconscious in one hit, it also conveys a lot more danger than one might ordinarily assume.