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The fall of Nanase

- At egscomics 


- Tripwire (one of several)

I wanted Nanase to have to roll for something, but I didn’t want it to be for whether she springs the trap.

She’s solved the mini-puzzle Ellen gave her, and her reward is to spring the trap. That doesn’t require a roll.

Given that there’s about to be heavy things falling from ceiling, however, she needs to roll far enough to not get caught up in it herself. THAT she has to roll for.




I'm gonna be giggling at "roll to roll" for days. 😄


They see me rollin'... they hatin'

Opus the Poet

Roll high that you roll low in the game.


OOOH! that's what she's doing!


Alright, roll dex vs. "Rocks fall. Everybody dies."

Some Ed

Only reason why I'm not going to be is I'm pretty sure I got it out of my system decades ago. But it is a good line.


Are you ready to rock? Yeah! Are you ready to roll? Yeah! Are you ready to rock AND roll? YEAH!!!