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I could have skipped this comic, and it would have been okay. We'll get to see Ellen's feelings in the next comic, and it could be argued that this comic will be made redundant.

HOWEVER! I didn't want to just have Ellen's feelings in text. I wanted to show a relevant example of why she feels the way she does using her own memories for context.

I also wanted to show Ellen having memories of being Elliot, because Ellen has those, and that's relevant to this entire storyline.

So if Editor Dan showed up, and told me that this storyline couldn't go over 151 comics (for it is naught but hubris to go above the original Pokémon count), and something HAD to be cut, this comic would've been an option.

Since Editor Dan did NOT do that, however, HERE IT IS.




Logic checks out for having the comic. And it makes so much sense for Elliott (and thus Ellen) to be the way they are, realizing this simple truth early on.


Cheat code -> story mode. Which is fine if that's what you really want -- it's your dang game after all. But there can be much satisfaction doing stuff the hard way.

A Red Mage Named Blue

I'm not a naturally competitive person so I don't entirely relate (I don't game to overcome a challenge, I game to see a story or just chill), but I know that Nanase is the kind of person who is, so I think she'll appreciate whatever Ellen's about to do

Diego Rossi

Exactly. Sometime I need to use story mode to advance in a game, as I am old and not fast fingered, but generally I avoid games that require that kind of coordination, as they aren't fun for me. Very few have a story so compelling that they will be worth the frustration or the need to use cheat codes or story mode.

Stephen Gilberg

Scott Meyer of "Basic Instructions" captured my attitude toward cheating at video games: "I paid for the whole game, so I plan to see the whole game." Granted, he was talking more about looking up advice than using codes. Also, more than half of my games have been gifts.