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- George (and only George) being well aware of Nanase's true backstory


I've already talked about it, and many readers will know it either way, but in this context, "isekai" refers to a story in which someone from one world ending up in another. Isekai is a Japanese word that can be translated as "another world," and the fantasy isekai genre in Japan is pretty huge.

It's to the point where the protagonist already knowing the tropes of finding themselves in a fantasy (world because they've read so many other stories about it) is, itself, a trope.


I'm still not sure what would have been the best way to handle the "Nanase recognizes the symbols" limited information in an actual game, but I think part of it is that it would depend on a LOT on individual game context.

The game they're playing has an additional meta context of "this is a story I am gradually sharing with people," and from THAT perspective, at least, I'd say Ellen made the right call.




"Nat 1..." "The chicken has inexplicably disappeared from your sight!"


Oh right. I was wondering how D&D characters would recognise hieroglyphics. Of course, Nanase’s character was Isekaied into the world. Yes, Isekaid is verb now


Come on Ellen! I’ve got a biscuit riding on the Chicken being the villain!


It's "isekai'd" actually 😂 Or at least that's how I normally see it


Should probably make her roll a Nature check. It's less about seeing if the chicken is still there - assuming she isn't thinking that it's an illusion - and more about seeing if the chicken's health and wellbeing is Fare or Fowl. 😉

Stephen Gilberg

I think your starting parenthesis belongs after "world."


If it's a verb now, then the apostrophe is not needed. I blame that place with the "Fast Fire'd" pizza.

Some Ed

Technically speaking, Ellen hasn't indicated that they actually saw the chicken yet. Or, more specifically, the chicken for whom they were looking as well as any other chicken that may happen to be in this story but not otherwise named or already depicted.

Some Ed

So you say. But did you roll to perceive the chicken? If you did, did Dan utter a ruling about whether your result was high enough?


Pfft... you obviously haven't seen my passive perception score.

David Howe

Not a great fan of chicken roll. Just sayin'