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One could argue that the naughtiness of sneaking Catalina into the movie theater was undermined somewhat by Rhoda having bought two tickets, but given how Catalina was snuck into the theater and the playfulness that followed, I think we can overlook that.



Tony B

I guess after this they went home and Rhoda "played with her cat"?


Given the bulge in the shirt, Rhoda's likely wearing an undershirt that Catalina is laying on so it's more implied nauhtiness than actual. And there's a good chance that with her own current look, Rhoda probably didn't need to pay for tickets in the first place.

John Trauger

Would love to trade places with Catalina...


Gotta love the throwbacks


The Best Pillows o(~w~)d


I don't get it. I mean, this pic is cool and all, but I can't seem to find the poll that this is supposed to be fulfilling. Closest one I can find is from January and this pairing *didn't win*. Maybe I am missing something? It would be nice if when you posted something like this, you linked back to the poll that made it happen. In any case, thanks for the picture.


Sorry if that came across as me being pissy/negative. It's more of me being confused and befuddled.


My guess is, given his recent illness this is just a personal piece Dan did to ease back into doing arts and not one of the poll pictures,


Hehe very cute. I suspect neither of them really saw very much of the movie x)

Lonjil (edited)

Comment edits

2022-09-22 05:49:58 チェンさん最高です!お持ち帰りもされてエッチすぎます! もしよかったらまたチェンさん描いていただきたいです! お願いします!
2017-02-21 11:10:55 Jan 2017 results, **Shrunk cat Catalina riding in tall stacked Rhoda's top - 70**

Jan 2017 results, **Shrunk cat Catalina riding in tall stacked Rhoda's top - 70**


This is sexy and cute and I really needed to see something like this first thing in the morning. Thank you. :)


I dunno. Considering the usual pinup logic, I doubt there's anything under that shirt but Rhoda and Catalina. :)


That looks comfortable.


Either Rhoda's shirt is stretched tight and her cleavage is pressed closed or something else is supporting Catalina here. Because I'd expect the bulge that is Catalina to merge with the larger bulge that is Rhoda's shirt.


Rhoda's idea of breaking the law is to loop around a grocery store to get two free meatball samples, and then take 16 items into the 15-or-fewer checkout lane.


lööks great ^^