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I think the closest this can get to becoming canon would be Susan becoming more bold while on camera with her review show, finding a place to record with a green screen, and Susan assuming no one will conclude "magic" if they use magic to mess with their hair and eye colors.

That, or Elliot's dreaming this. That, too, could totally become canon.


The color nonsense in this image is because it's the sort of colors I associate with Easter. I'm not 100% sure why? Maybe common Easter egg colors? Some of the candy?

In any case, when I searched for Easter colors, what I expected was what I got, so it's not just me.


These two were chosen from a very last minute (well, very last nineteen hours) poll open to all patrons.

I would have made the poll earlier, but I basically made the poll the instant I had the idea for it, and the idea was something specific to Easter.

While many "Dan's Choice" images will just be whatever the heck I want, I will occasionally have more polls like this in the future.

Most should be open for at least a couple days, though, given that most of them shouldn't be last minute, holiday-related ideas.



Matt R



Between this and the sketchbook from last Friday, I know ship Susan, Elliott, and Ashley.


You're a bit late to the party, but welcome! =)


I wonder in what kind of universe that old "badges" image could become canon... And not just because of Susan. =)


Yup, you nailed the proper pastel colors look for Easter!


Very Easter-y colors.


If Eliot is dreaming this, then he might wake up as one of them....or a Susan/Ashley Pink-Light Blue combination. Pretty sure that's what's happened, at lleast in my head canon.


Easter Bunny Perfection! and I LOVE the colors, Peep yellow is just so blasé (I kid, if there were 3 people (heh heh peeple) peep yellow is an obvious win for 3rd place)


He wakes up with both in the room and discovers that he can either duplicate himself OR he has a spell that is 'contagious' and Ellen got caught in the cross fire.


I feel like it should be mentioned that it's kinda nice that they're not V5'd. don't get me wrong I love V5 as much as ever, but so much Easter theme art for Web Comics targets the Large Chest minded individuals.

Stephen Gilberg

Tedd could be dreaming it. Just because his lust is pretty much limited to Grace these days...


Meanwhile Grace wishes everyone loved everyone else a WHOLE lot more... has Tedd ever expressed interest in men? canonically?