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If you could have Susan practice physical contact with anyone in the comic (knowing that it would very likely be platonic), who would you want to see?



Now that you've planted the idea in my head I need to see ashley

Michael Booth

Elliot, followed by Ashley.


Grace, cause she loves to support others.

Stephen Gilberg

Sarah's a good choice, because she's mostly straight. I considered Justin, but he might have too much fun with her hair.




Aside from Elliot, Diane.


Sarah and/or Diane.


Sarah and/or Diane make the most sense. Elliot has the most potential for embarrassment, so that's also good.

Matt R

Nanase and Rhoda. You did say platonic


I'll go with an unconventional option: Noah.


Mall form Elliot, possibly the highest contrast among the main cast.

Jared Fattmann

Is it bad I wanna say George because I picture him being incredibly annoyed by the whole thing?

Andrea Andrew

Given the recent comics, and her longstanding crush on Elliot, are you sure Elliot and Sarah are platonic contacts?


Sarah or Grace


Hence potential for embarrassment. Just because she might not be feeling super platonic about it doesn't mean the end result wouldn't be. We're talking about Susan, here.


Herself. The question is: Magic Twin? Clone form placed on someone else? Clone form on Susan's "Nase" Fairy? Nanase's Fox Clone? idk, keep it very vague I say.

Lucanid Landman

Diane, Sarah, and Grace, in that order.


Nanase. (ideally, social dance.)


Diane, Ashley.


The principal!


Susan, obviously, using some sort of magic trick. What better way to avoid creeping herself out than to cuddle with herself?

Merle Blue

Grace hugs!

Mark Williams

Vladia, she could use the practice too.


Elliot is who I immediately think of. And for some reason my 2nd thought is Rhea. Just seems like a chill understanding person. Having it be someone who doesn't realize how much of a big deal it is for Susan would make it more low stakes for her.


The cat, Jeremy!


Diane, the two of them trying to slowly untangle their family nonsense and support each other is very sweet


Ashley joins the two of them on the couch after the test filming, so they can all watch it together. Things progress...


Given how she's felt about a number of situations in the comic, I'm pretty sure this would sail right past her being mostly straight, *platonic or not.* Which might be very healthy for her and fun for everyone.


Holy shit, I'm imagining that dance scene between Ami and Makoto, except it's Nanase lifting up Susan. That would be *really fucking cool.*


Sarah, Grace, Ashley... But Sleep's idea of Nanase is deeply compelling. The platonic possibilities are wonderful.


First choice is Ashley cause she’s so damn cute, second is Vladia - but only for prurient reasons


Justin head pats?


KiTA: good idea about magic trick, in which case I nominate Fox (Nanase's magical stand-in). Presumably Fox is germ-free and unlikely to get emotional.


Grace and Tedd.


A male TF'd girl, Sarah, Ashley, or Grace, especially if they're holding hands or something cute! (gotta practice but boys are too much for her ATM).


To be fair, Grace hasn't shown any issues with that in a long time, and I think she's sensitive enough that if Susan approached her about practicing physical contact, Grace would understand it was a difficult thing for Susan and not immediately jump to "naked time". :)


I could actually see Susan using dance as a way to become more comfortable with touch. She'd have something else to focus on besides being in physical contact with someone, which could help. Though I'm guessing she'd have to be comfortable with her partner.


Sarah, Elliot, and tedd cat girls grace is giving pose instructions off scene. Getting photography practice

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

Grace would be extremely good to do that with, I think - she's all about the physical contact, but would also be very sensitive to Susan's boundaries and needs.


My top preference would probably be Grace.

David Fenger

Tedd. There's something about both of them having trauma in their past, and both were hit hard by Pandora's passing...


Sarah or Eliot


Grace, definitely Grace.

Opus the Poet

Grace, definitely Grace.


Grace. And Diane bc she also notices tells well (if she wants to).




Elliot, Grace or Sarah. Elliot/Sarah because there is already something there, Grace on the other hand is the best bet to actually get the job done, though she might need to turn the energy down slightly.


Tedd's cat


Ashley, if nothing else for the OT3 of Susan, Ashley and Elliot

William Green

Grace would work well, and it would be fun to see Nanase's reaction. I think Ashley would be reluctant unless Elliot was involved too. The obvious choices if she needed a guy is either Justin or Elliot.


Her mother. Let's start patching up that issue.

John Trauger

Things can be platonic among the characters but sexy-awesome for us in some way. Think something like susan sandwiched between Ashley and Elliot's mall form (because she's small cute and harmless). Probably 3 panels for something "Day 1", "Day 5" and "Day 12" where Susan goes from freaking out to "d'awwww" comfortable. Mix and match characters for effect.


she's had touch practice with Sarah already and while I wouldn't object to more (they are best friends after all), I wouldn't mind her other friends getting a chance to help out. Grace would be all for it, though it'd be amusing to see how Tedd would react to Susan asking to practice cuddles with them.

Daryl Sawyer

I'm with Grace on this one: Giant cuddle pile.


Grace, Ashley, and Rhoda. 4 girl Super hug.

Cat Tillinghast

Since PRACTICE was Ashley's idea, it's only fitting she be next. And then Grace finds out and would want to help. And then Tedd gets dragged into the cuddle puddle


Ashley makes sense as part of the practice story