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Select characters for the end of month poll! Can vote for more than one. Poll will be up for remainder of Tuesday, and entirety of Wednesday (West Coast USA time).

I was going to just go by likes in the previous survey, but that was flawed.

Likes are helpful, but it's like a poll that's constantly changing, and some of the options aren't visible without a second or third step, and I discovered that the first comment suggesting Liz wasn't showing up properly at all if viewing the post on its own.

Each option here got a good number of likes, including Liz, though I might have included her anyway due to the unfairness of the comment suggesting her getting hidden before.



Hm... We haven't seen Vladia in a while. I'll go with that.


I'm always down for self-love.

James C

Only 6 weeks: https://www.egscomics.com/comic/father-018