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Welp, I messed up the poll end times again. Not sure how. I mean, I know HOW, but all I had to do was make sure it said "AM" and not "PM", darn it. I don't *think* it made any difference to the results in the end, but I need to be more careful about that (and setting clocks) in the future.

Anyway, the results:


129 Votes -  Mall Date Elliot / Goth Elliot fusion
94 Votes - Magical Girl Tedd

58 Votes - Fairy doll Susan
50 Votes - Female Noah


 117 - AF04 Goth Sarah and Sarah
77 - Mall Date Elliot and Cheerleadra

75 - Cat-sized Catgirl Kitty and Rhoda
69 -  FV5 Justin and MV5 Susan 

Comic Sequence

99 - Larry inadvertently designs his own female form / transformation during a video game's character creation
95 - Greg achieves the pinnacle of anime martial arts with a transformation power up that just happens to be a much smaller female form
57 - Rich transforms into what first seems to be a male romance novel cover form, but winds up the bosomy heroine
43 - Principal Verrückt searches online for school uniforms and quickly regrets pressing a "preview" button for a female uniform

Doubles and sequences were very close this month. Well, not first place for doubles, but the battle for second place (which actually matters for doubles) was fierce. Third place will likely return in next month's poll.

Thank you all very much for voting and for the support!



will the greg comic sequence return next time too?


With the single and double winners plus the one from last month, we've got some gothy goodness on the way. \o/


I do. I was really torn between that one and the winner. Went back and forth a couple of times.

Kendra Kirai

Hmm, my comment didn't post it seems. The mobile app is a bit tetchy perhaps. 'Aww, none of my picks made it, oh well!'


Yay! Two my picks made it! Can't wait to see all these come to fruition.

Matt R

Nice. I kinda wish we get some more art of Catgirl Pandora too someday


What does AF04 mean?

Chronos Cat

"April Fools 2004". It's the name for the alternate universe seen in the EGS:NP storyline "Blank Check for Weirdness".


Gotta start participating in the surveys: I'm seriously disappointed that while goth Elliot has been on the table multiple times, goth Ashley hasn't made a single appearance! Dan's old goth Elliot + goth Ashley pic is still the best thing to happen to this earth.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

This:<br><a href="http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=27" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=27</a> <br>... and reading on from there I've found <i>another</i> goth character to request in pin-up form:<br><a href="http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=151" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=151</a> <br>Yyyyyep! Goth Ravenette!


Quick Question: Don't we still have pin-ups from December that need to be done/posted? Don't pile up work.


Okay, so the actual barrage will be during this week because I underestimated the state I'd be during the weekend six days ago, but a barrage is under construction and coming soon, darn it

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

<a href="http://www.egscomics.com/comics/1487262621-announce_20170215S3_093.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/comics/1487262621-announce_20170215S3_093.png</a> <br>"Next story comic Monday (I hope) due to illness."<br>Spookily, this reflects the simultaneous update on Misfile.<br>There will be a delay.<br><a href="http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5809/128038923.0/0_62a96_27813211_orig.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5809/128038923.0/0_62a96_27813211_orig.jpg</a>