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Counter Counter Attack!

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I felt like any actual number I could give here might seem too low or too high (either for the attack damage, or for the goblin's implied health), so I went with "max damage."

This unfortunately contributes to the legend of "Dan makes most dice results extremes," but I'd rather do that here than give a number that potentially takes more experienced RPG players out of the moment.

Granted, I might've done that anyway, but I tried, darn it.



Stephen Gilberg

Sounds like a "Raiders of the Lost Ark" standoff.


I mean... if I know his level - and as his GM I had better know it! - and he's casting Eldritch Blast, for example, then I know exactly what's Max Damage So addressing it as such here might not be super common for an opening attack, but it's perfectly valid and wouldn't give me any pause as a GM and doesn't here as a reader.


mans didn't have a chance 😔


Goblins in 5e have 7 HP. A basic Firebolt cantrip does 1d8 damage. Max damage dropping a goblin works


When you try your best but don't succeed


Your basic rules Goblin has 7 HP. So entirely possible to one shot. Granted, basic rules goblin doesn't have sword and dagger... but Ellen may be just adding flavor without affecting stats.


I wouldn't worry about extreme dice roles. As a player, it's entirely possible for that one session to have extreme roles. And then the dozen sessions after to be normal.


I'm guessing they rolled for initiative off screen? As the party bard, I'm curious about what Larry's gonna do. Play something inspiring perhaps? "Are you ready to rock?" "Well, we are in a mine..." "I'M ABOUT TO BLOW YOUR MINDS!" https://youtu.be/gqfj4cqufNA

Alex Fellman

Aww. This was one of the few equal opportunity evil cults, where goblins could serve alongside humans and dwarves as equals in minion service.

Some Ed

One night, I rolled a "statistically impossible" number of 1s on some d6es, followed by a statistically improbable number of 20s on other dice. They can happen. That said, I do wonder if one of the other players in that game came prepared with a couple loaded dice that somehow wound up in my posession.


I just want to applaud Ellen for saying "KO'ed" instead of "dead." While it goes against the "classic murderhobo" sensibilities, since it makes death a deliberate choice (instead of "heat of battle"), the players have to think about their actions. At least a little. I like that.

A Red Mage Named Blue

I once made a Cleric who wielded a Zweihander (And could become 12-foot-tall). She was physically monstrous, but her sword had the 'Mercy' enchantment, so every attack was non-lethal. 5e's change to make all attacks either lethal or non-lethal as the player chooses, was a good change


To be fair, there is something really fun about seeing an enemy buff themselves and then dropping them before they get a chance to do anything. :)

Some Ed

Her thoughts before indicated she was adding flavor without affecting stats.

John Trauger

The classic Indy Jones moment of the the swordsman impressively twirling his blade before attacking and then Indy, unimpressed, shoots him.

Wild Card

And if Harrison Ford had not been very sick the day that scene was shot, we would have gotten the planned epic sword vs whip fight. That quick shot ending was devisied on set since Ford could not do the scene in his condition that day, and there was no time to delay it to another day.

Jenora Feuer

I mean, I've seen someone in a DnD 5e game rolling 'with advantage' (roll 2 d20, take the highest) and still roll a 1 for a failure... weird odds happen. It's 'only' a 1 in 400 chance, so it's going to happen eventually if the game runs long enough.


Ever played based on the The Dark Eye rules?


The use of the gun, though, makes perfect sense from a real-world perspective, since "shooting the guy with the blade before he can get close enough to use the blade on you" is the entire point of choosing a gun over a blade as a weapon. "Never bring a knife to a gunfight", indeed.