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While at the gym, Diane attempted to pull off a smug look at anyone checking out her and Lucy.

It's possible her gleefulness interfered with this objective.


Giant Lucy, as seen in Susan's imagination at the beginning of the "Our Future" storyline. They're at the gym in those outfits because I wanted to show off that giant Lucy is more muscular than normal Lucy (and not just due to being 26% taller).

Okay, they didn't have to be those specific outfits, but I was a kid in the eighties, so actually, yes, yes they did.

I'm taking next week off from posting a Sketchbook / Milestone image because I have two irregular things going on next week that will reduce my available work time. My intent is to return to posting them on Fridays (with Thursday early access) the week after.




There’s a webcomic about a giant, buff lady and her petite girlfriend that has the same energy as this illustration. “Tara and Beverly” by Nortuet. https://nortverse.com/


I love this comic but it's NSFW, in case people want to know that before they click the link. :)


I choose to imagine: all of the couples that Susan is imagining are having wedding pictures taken!


Also now I wanna see all the short cast members next to giant Lucy. (you know, just for fun)


Yeeeees, I was hoping we'd see this situation after Susan's imagination in the comic