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The minions (still not THOSE minions)

- At egscomics 


Past me was so confident that this storyline would end before triple digits.

Shows what past me knew! Arrogant fool.

I didn't want to go with a generic goblin design, and I also wanted to give the impression of a playable race in the game. I kept in mind the previously established lore, and worked from there.

I was originally thinking of a pig-like nose, but anime has warped my brain into associating those with orcs, so I went with a nose similar to some bats.

In any case, I think of them having a good sense of smell that goes well with cooking--er, alchemy. Definitely alchemy. Yes.

This particular goblin got mutton chops (the facial hair on his cheeks) because I drew him with cheekbones that begged for mutton chops. This is not a universal goblin fashion statement. This goblin in particular just had the cheekbones for them.




I’d say it’s closer to hobgoblin design.


I often think back to things my past self though and think "Past me didn't know squat!"

Daryl Sawyer

Pig-like nose has been associated with Orcs for a very, very long time. Though not all depictions emphasize this feature, I'm pretty sure every orc I saw back in the 90s had some degree of pig nose. I can even see it on LOTR (movie) orcs, if I stretch a bit.


Orcs had full on pig snouts back in 1st edition of AD&D.


love the bat nose

Some Ed

As much as people may have praised him for his immense programming skills, past me knew shit about programming. Present me isn't much better, sad to say.

Stephen Gilberg

Consider the Bokoblins of the Zelda series.

Wild Card

For a story that is running longer than planned, it does not feel stretched or padded out. The story is flowing nicely. And I wonder if this will be a regular gaming group after the story is done.