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Please suggest characters / forms you'd be interested in seeing in the pinup polls this month, and "like" suggestions from others if you want to support those. I'll be keeping all of these in mind when deciding on what to include in the polls at the end of the month!

If you'd like to know why I'm doing just one survey this month, details follow. If you don't care why, you've read all you need to :D 

I seriously need to catch up on pinups, and I'm going to make sure the poll options are ones I can do relatively quickly without rushing them (so things I can clearly picture and make thumbnails for before the polls even go up, that aren't super complicated, or make me think things like "this really needs a half dozen background characters for context", etc).

This means I'm less likely to include specific suggestions from people this month (though it's still possible), and am more interested in what people are generally interested in right now in terms of characters and general forms / transformations. 

Another reason is because the more comic-style sequence poll is probably going to wind up looking a bit different this month, and I'm still sorting out how I'm going to handle future surveys for that.




How about the lady with the multicolored hair from panel one of this comic <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=544" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=544</a> and and the lady with multicolored hair in your Time Stop Experiments pinup, sharing a secluded tea date?


FV5 Nanase/Ellen fusion wearing a bikini