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Fork in the Mine 

- At egscomics 


I found myself wanting to show more of Fairy Ellen, so... I did.

Also, I wanted to show Lady Elf Larry with regular Rich, so... I did.

I would say this EGSNP is self-indulgent, but that feels like an indulgent statement with EGSNP.

(Also, that last panel is totally cheating visually, because Larry referencing meta-gaming would definitely be out of character.)

(I don't care that it's cheating beyond the desire to let y'all know that I know.)




Lady Elf Larry gives me gender envy ngl


Always go left first, the designers default to putting important things on the right.

Kenneth A Graves

Split the party and explore both. That always ends well.

A Red Mage Named Blue

The tunnel on the right is new and slightly narrower, more likely to have been built by the Goblins than by the original miners


Did Larry actually boop Rich's nose?

Daryl Sawyer

Wow. What's going on in panel 2?

Kevin Wright

Any excuse to see more of elf-girl Larry.

Stephen Gilberg

I'll take Lady Elf Larry over Leisure Suit Larry.

Brooks Moses

I'd say there's very much a difference between "out of character" and "out of world". It's quite possible to be in-character (in terms of mannerisms and thought patterns and such) while not doing in-world things. I remember a conversation among a few writers talking about dealing with bureaucratic red tape by picking a character whose mindset they're good at emulating and who's good at bureaucracy, and then being (partly) in-character to deal with things.


To be fair, Leisure Suit Larry is probably already in the process of taking Lady Elf Larry. Or trying to, at any rate.