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Schemas Part Two

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Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons... Eugh. Still progress I suppose.


It's probably the most common reason(s) for doing the right thing, really.

Stephen Gilberg

Not sure what the blurred middle message was, but Rich...almost looks hot in panel 1.

Kevin Wright

A lot never seem to even think about that first part, or any variation of it - that maybe it's more important to consider the thoughts/feelings of those you wish to be with than random persons on the internet or whatever. It's a start, maybe, to just doing the right thing because it feels good.


...Baby steps. Baby steps.


Eh, it’s progress. I suppose it’s going to take time when “impressive women” is a core part of your being.

Opus the Poet

Baby steps, baby steps.


One step forward, two steps back... Like the old saying goes: Build a man a fire, he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life!

Paul Rendell

This is more 'two steps forward, one step back'. He's slightly improved as a person, but for a rather shallow reason. The other way around would imply that he's worse off than he was.


ehhhhh baby steps.

Some Ed

@Stephen Gilberg: yeah, that happens while one is forming thoughts into something coherent. To be clear, here, by "you" I mean Rich and myself, as well as possibly other people.

Some Ed

I've known enough people who've been set on fire to know that this statement is not necessarily true. Including one who was set on fire via a lockout/tagout violation while he was working on a 10,000 volt system. (To be clear, he wasn't the one who did the wrong thing.) I'm mentioning that one specifically because I really wouldn't have expected someone who went through that having any further issues with cold, and yet he seemed to have them more than ever.


Step babies, step babies.

Bob Grannan

I love this depiction of silly nonsense rules being depicted almost like holy edicts in his mind. I think it's a great representation of how these things can feel when you're that age.


The face in the last panel made me think of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs when it started raining burgers.


It remains to be seen if he's improved as a person. Armed with this information, he might become more manipulative and less sincere. Only time will tell. What I am trying to imply is that he's no closer to learning how to fish than he was at the beginning of this arc. Until then, he continues to go hungry.

Some Ed

@wargrunt42: I feel like realizing he probably shouldn't be catching fish just by trying to dive in and grab them with his bare hands is a step forward, even if it's not clear progress until he comes up with something that could actually work. Also, this comic already has a Bad Tom, so I doubt that Rich is going to turn into a Bad Tom.