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Pick The Pickaxe

- At egscomics 


For the record, dual-wielding pickaxes in Skyrim is a TERRIBLE idea.

I know, because I really did try it after commenting on it in a previous commentary.

I originally didn't have dialogue in the first two panels, which looked empty, and was sort of weird. Had everyone gone silent so Rich and Ellen could think stuff? No! They're still talking about their own stuff! Stuff like pickaxes, and the wielding thereof!

I also want it on record that Rich IS actually trying to keep his eyes on Ellen's face. He's just struggling a bit. He's wound up sort of looking at her neck.



Stephen Gilberg

Clearly, dual-wielding SOMETHING is effective.


Hi. I want to apologize for my comment on the "Whoops" sketchbook. I saw that you tweeted about how comments saying "I wish it was this" are not what you want or would ever ask for, and that's the kind of comment I made, and I'm sorry I said the sort of thing that upsets you. It won't happen again.


Instinct vs Courtesy is a difficult struggle indeed, Rich.

Some Ed

What person interested by female breasts wouldn't be struggling in his situation? I knew gay guys in college who wouldn't have been able to win that fight, despite not being all that interested in the rest of that package. I mean, yeah, they would've probably liked her personality a whole bunch. Well, OK, I don't know for *certain* they would've lost that fight. During the incident right before said admission, I was very busy losing a very similar battle myself and so had no ability (or interest) in determining where their gaze was focused during that particular challenge. It's possible the claim that they'd also lost the challenge was somehow just another part of their overall flirting with me routine. As a lesbian strategically poised inside a male body[1], their whole flirting with me thing had me baffled and I didn't really understand any of it beyond the overall idea they had floated towards me regarding them thinking I was somehow attractive to them. 1. Just to be clear, my statement above was not intended to throw any shade towards trapped lesbians. I get it, it's a very bizarre and discomfiting feeling at times. It feels like I've been through this a dozen times or more and it's still really disturbing at times, though a lot than before. I'm just really motivated to make it work for reasons.


The ‘arms over the head stretch’ on females does tend to attract the male gaze. Whether they want to or not.

Merle Blue

Damn, that stretch REALLY makes me wish I had even close to Ellen's figure.


If memory serves, Ellen's figure was basically Tedd's ideal female form. Back at the start of the comic anyway.


Yea, mine too, as well. Hence why I've been saving up for lipo w/ fat transfer to the girls.