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Susan has always had issues with physical contact, but she wanted to work on becoming more comfortable with it.

Knowing this, Sarah had a proposition for Susan. She would allow Susan to practice touching her in any way she wants while Sarah remain passive, giving Susan complete control and freedom over the situation. Sarah would, of course, have the option to end the practice session any time she wanted to.

It began slowly, with Susan simply, and hesitantly, touching Sarah's arm. As time went on, however, Susan moved on to reaching under Sarah's shirt to feel her belly, and before she knew it, she was removing clothing to better feel the skin undeneath.

At no point did Sarah object. With each bit of escalation, she only smiled more, delighted with what was happening, and what was to follow as Susan became even more adventurous...


...Did I just write fan fiction? Gosh diddly darn it!




Yes. Yes, you did. With your own characters.


Dan, that's not fanfic - that's 100% canon! To another timeline, granted, until it's mentioned in the core timeline... This is genuinely sexy, and kind of... really... really heartwarming in a weird way. The story helps it on that front. It's a Festivus miracle, it is!

Val Salia

Aside from the fanservicey fun aspects of these what-if scenes, they really help add extra depth and dimension to the cast, by throwing them into all these sorts of situations.


I don't normally go directly for the meme response, but for this I'll make an exception: Oooooh, MYYYY. O_o Though I agree with Thatoneguy below, it's the story that makes it. You took what could have been simply fanservice and made it something sweet and (no pun intended) touching about friends becoming more than friends, without taking away any of the sexiness. And that's awesome.


Is it really fan fic if they're your characters, though? Nevertheless... wow. Wonder how much the pledge is to get a follow-up for this story.


Well, we could just vote for one in the following months...


Sweet Merciful Crap!




...Okay, this is my favorite pinup and story to date. A little story behind it makes it a lot cooler. Although now I'm imagining touch-starved Susan and hoping she gets cuddles soon ;n;

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

THAT was weird. I tried to reply and the reply button linked to Thatoneguy's profile ... which says Thatoneguy isn't supporting anyone at the moment. Dear Patreon, your site is so buggy it's attracting barn swallows.<br><br>Anyway, found a reply button now. About this alternate timeline in which "Sarah seduces Susan" is canon ... how much would we have to pledge to get you to draw the rest of that story, Dan?

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Oh, she'll get cuddles soon. Prior to this therapy, she was also uncomfortable with being touched, and they'll be working on that too. They'll be taking it slowly, with Sarah letting Susan guide her hands and tell her what to do and when to stop, but they'll get there eventually. There's no hurry. It can take months or even years. One day, though, they'll be sleeping naked in each other's arms and it'll feel safer than being alone.


Nanase and Fox is no longer the most sexy pinup by a long shot.


* brain explodes *


I want to see another pinup on this matter when it's Sarah's turn to do the touching!


As the author of the original work El Goonish Shive, I believe it is effectively impossible for you to write 'fan' fiction about it.


I'm really enjoying the little context stories around the pinups! It just makes things way more interesting

Chronos Cat

I'm with those who say that if the original author created it, by definition it is not fanfiction. This is just a very fun non-canon story. At any rate I love it when you give context to the pinups like this.


Well done, sir, well done!

Stephen Gilberg

In my book, this is your steamiest yet. I like a buildup.


Well, that escalated quickly. Though the blush on Susan is nice and that grin on Sarah reminds me of a Sketchbook you did with her, Grace, and Tedd a while back.


Merry Heckin' Christmas!

Daryl Sawyer

<a href="http://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook.php?id=276" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook.php?id=276</a> hee hee


This made me unbelievably happy. The little flash fiction that came with it sealed the deal.


(Also totally aware that the 'I WROTE FANFICTION' comment was joking. :B Sorry.)


Curses, you wrote it before I could... :-). Love it! And the drawing, too--uber-hot!


Alway remember, Dan: If the original author writes it, it's not fan-fiction. It's an alternate universe story or an omake. Same as forum moderators don't spam, they show presence. ;)


Just wanted to say a belated happy holidays, enjoy the new year, and that the patreon donation coming in from me tomorrow is my gift to you. :)

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Hannelore of Questionable Content also needs Sarah's help. Maybe she could form a support group and Susan and Hanners could help each other.