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This is regarding what's offered as a milestone, hence why it's a survey for all patrons.

Currently, the most complex of the pinups is the five stage pinups. There's a start form, an end form, and it's generally a left to right sequence with an unchanging view. Each stage gets its own image, and there's a desktop background of the sequence.

I'm wondering if it would be preferable to have a story-sized comic sequence with a variable number of stages instead. This wouldn't work as a background, but it would allow for more varied viewing angles and circumstances.

The polls would be essentially unchanged, with one character's start and finish. As far as work load is concerned, it wouldn't be that much different for me. In some ways, it'd be easier.

Feel free to share your opinions on this, and speaking of sequences, I should be posting one later tonight.



I really like the current way, it's fun to make Gifs out of them and use the full version as a wallpaper


If they are an equal amou t of work for you, why not make both options at that level? Were already voting with likes for different sequences, could just be voting for transformation sequencea or comic ideas in the same poll


A comic might be better, almost entirely because I enjoy perusing the pinups tumblr and the extra image interrupts the flow for me.


I think you're the artist, and that choice is yours to make. If you'd prefer a variable sequence to a set quantity of sequence panels, you should do that. :D


A comic sounds fun/interesting to me.


Personally, I wouldn't mind the comic like style. There are real advantages either way, it sounds - while I lean towards comic, I'd be happy either way.


I vote comic! More flexibility in what you can give us sounds like a good thing in my book.

Cley Faye

Why not both? (not at the same time, obviously). The wallpaper-friendly format is interesting, but if something feels like it would work better in comic form, might as well go that way. There's no need to exclude one over the other I think.


The comic format seems interesting to me. I'm not personally in a position to ever use the sequence as a desktop, and it seems as though the comic format will allow for more creativity and flexibility, which I assume is a "good thing" from your perspective.


I vote comic, as I have plenty of wallpapers, and I'm interested in the potential for animation and technical side of things


+1 for comic!


I'd vote comic myself


I'll add my vote to artist's discretion. Whichever form works best in your mind for the chosen transformation, go with that.


I would like to see comic like sequences with more of a story behind them. But do whatever you think works for you, I'll be happy with whatever.


Let's do it.




I'm guessing what you're describing is something like the Elliot to Mall Girl sequence in So a Date at the Mall? Like <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2064" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2064</a> and <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2065" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2065</a> except of course it'd be on one page. I'd be cool with that.


I definitely say comic. Part of what I like most about the pinups is seeing everyone in... interesting non-canon situations, and a comic would be much more interesting than someone just standing there transforming.


I certainly like the idea of a comic. More dynamism is better! :)


Comic seems a lot of fun. More liberty to show the transformation, and more possibility to play with rhythm. I vote for them!


Hmm. I like the backgrounds, but making it into a comic where you can throw in other character's reactions to the change would be cool.


A comic would be interesting, certainly


The comic option sounds good.


I have never seen a reason to use the sequences as a background, so something with more varied angles and more artistic license for you can only be a good thing.


I can see arguments for both sides -- a comic would have more variety, and let you inject more drama into the transformation. On the other hand, if you're really into transformations then the current sequences make it easier to compare the different steps in the process. That said, I like the comic idea for the reasons I stated.


They're pinups. Done well, modern society being what it is, I wouldn't expect many people to be bold enough to have them as a desktop background. On balance I think I'd prefer to see a variety of angles *anyway*, if only so we could get additional Austin Powers nudity gags; if it makes your life easier, so much the better. Also, one of the reasons we're giving you money is that we like your stuff and we like how you keep on getting better as an artist. On this basis, "I'd like to change how I work so I do more varied and interesting things" merits an automatic "hell, yes!"


I vote for the apparent consensus of comic-size. I guess I'm a sheep. Or an inspiring leader. One of those.


Comic would be significantly better: I've felt that the five-stages have universally been the weakest of every month so far, and that would help give them a more distinct niche and improve their appeal.


I like seeing story with transformations, comic form is quite welcome


Comic for *sure*


Yay comix

David Fenger

Whatever you'd enjoy making the most. That said, I feel that the 5-shot sequence has become a little stale, so my personal inclination is toward more variety.


Comic form would be cool


I think insisting on exactly five stages could be limiting. Having the option for more or fewer stages would allow more creativity.


Sounds great to me! The idea of it in comic form sounds more appealing, and the variable stages sounds like more room for creativity.


I'd go with the comic. Giving Dan more freedom to do what he wants sounds like it should be a pretty decent plan

William McDuff

Comic sounds good. Just get more flexibility with what you do.


Definitely agree on the comic, there's plenty of room to make it funnier/sexier with some story or action added. :D


Hmm hard to say both are good, I say go with what you think is the best for you.


Both sound good but leaning towards comic.


I'm pro comic, though I don't think sequences should be off the table. Who knows - every so often, you might think of a cool one.


Also voting comic, should they prove to be more fun for you to do.


I'd prefer a comic.

Sibyl Arnett

Honestly, go comic, just because nothing prohibits the one from being in the other format.


Hell no.




I vote that Dan chooses on a case-by-case basis on what he thinks is easiest, or most appropriate.



Jumpy James Johnson Junior

The comic gives Dan more flexibility to "do it right" however "right" might mean doing it for a particular transformation. Does a 5-stage sequence without dialogue still count as a comic? Sometimes that <i>is</i> right.


I think the comic format could introduce more variety and more visually interesting posts. I'm definitely in favor of the comic format. Not that the transformations are uninteresting but they certainly aren't on the same level as the rest of the pinups.


Sounds cool!

Chronos Cat

On the one hand, it is neat being able to compare each stage of the transformation side-by-side. On the other hand, the transformations would be more fun with some context to them. As for using them as wallpapers, I use images that don't fit the resolution of my screen for wallpapers all the time; it being in comic form wouldn't be an obstacle unless the comic was so long or tall that the panels wound up tiny when reduced to screen-size. All things considered, I'd say go for it.


I'd be happier with comic format, personally.


I'd like to see this less as a replacement of the old choice and more an expansion on it. As in it still seeing use if it seems the best/most interesting way to go about an idea. But you (Dan) not be limited by the format if that isn't the case. Done like that, I'd definitely be in favour of the new idea.