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The first real danger.

- At egscomics 


- Excessively careful around stairs

- "...after falling down some stairs" (next comic, George reaching "from our world" conclusion)

The obvious nitpick here is "but they already went up the stairs!"

Firstly, I suspect there's more danger of falling when going downstairs than up, as people are more prone to falling forward. Falling while going up the stairs could still go very badly, of course, but as far as I'm aware, there's more opportunity to recover safely.

Secondly, the way Ellen narrated things, they effectively teleported there. That's not what happened in-game, but the opportunity was not given for an "oh no, stairs" moment.

Not that I'm arguing one was needed. I'm just addressing why there wasn't this sort of moment earlier.



Stephen Gilberg

There's excessively careful, and then there's "Oh no!" at the very prospect.


You're more likely to fall going down stais than up them because going down you're actually putting yourdelf into a {sometimes barely} controlled fall and gravity is doing the work of going down.


As someone whose knees like to mutiny, going up is a lot easier than down these days.


Nanase's reaction kinda reminds me of the Crazy character class in Rifts. You can identify them by the large metal knobbs sticking out of their head. They gain super human augmentation in exchange for their sanity. As a result, they all have interesting personality quirks like having an irrational fear of stairs.

Servo Kamen

Po Ping of Kung Fu Panda.


I have had a bad knee since I was a teenager, and going upstairs has always been much safer and easier than going down.


Recommended behavior for Nanase/IC going downstairs: She turns around, gripping the rail/banister if available. (If not, she puts her hands on the floor in front of her) One foot at a time, she crouches enough that she can find the next step, then puts her weight on that foot while she moves the other to join it. The hand away from the rail, if there is only one rail in reach, crosses over to grab the rail while she shifts the rail-side hand down. If there is no rail available, she moves her hands down steps as she goes. Repeat until you reach the next floor. In game terms, she moves carefully, taking twice or three times as long as the rest of the party to get down the stairs. Alternatively, if the banister is wide enough, and her relevant skill (acrobatics?) is high enough, she might slide down the banister, avoiding the stairs entirely and getting down in half the time it takes anyone else. Whee! ^_^


I am suddenly reminded of the protagonist of Russian Doll dealing with the steps exiting the party.

John Trauger

I'm sure Nanase has a good reason for her "oh no" but my first reaction was, "You're not a Dalek..."

David Howe