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This is why you don't invite private investigators to play Clue.

I'm not sure how many different methods I'm going to have to resort to in order to show everyone reacting and/or talking in a single comic before this is over. So far, we've had five full-sized panels, four tiny panels, and one panel with floating heads.

I'm not sure what else I might resort to, but the safe bet is that there'll be a panel with everyone talking while in silhouette at some point.



Stephen Gilberg

Maybe Maribel wanted to escape. Sounds like quite a gilded cage.


I mean, depending on setting, magic isn’t always that common. Most adventurers have it, but your standard commoner won’t. At most there may be a hedge Wizard per town and a priest who can’t cast above level 2. As far as bad guys at low level with magic. Low chance. Besides, most rogues don’t need magic to do their stuff.


It was the cook :P


Especially if they’re on a spaceship with replicators.

Prof Sai

Dan has encountered the table talking challenge! How long can he go without turning into Knights of the Dinner Table?

John Trauger

The chicken's personal butler did it!

Wild Card

The floating heads panel works well for me when everyone is talking at the same time

Some Ed

Except there's virtually always at least one magic user or priest somewhere that's higher level than the players. They may not be in town, but they're somewhere near enough to be involved.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Ah, Chicken Boo? Maybe the chicken wore a guard uniform or a human guard illusion in order to escape. :)