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Adventure hooks!

- At egscomics 


The idea in the first panel is that the players go along with the adventure hook to a point, effectively starting an adventure, then they can do whatever.

The "herding cats" version of this would be putting the hook out there, and the players potentially not even realizing it is a hook. The game master would set up the start of everything, potentially hint heavily at the mysterious hooded figure in the corner of the tavern, and then the players run outside, steal horses from the stable, and ride off into the mountains instead.

An extreme example, but my point is that they're at LEAST talking the to the mysterious figure in Ellen's version before stealing any horses.


When Ellen says "off the rails", she's referring to the players having the freedom to do what they want, and not being forced down one path. Railroading would be the opposite of that. As such, she's suggesting being on rails to get things going, and then letting the train (adventure) fall where it may after that.



Stephen Gilberg

I wouldn't bet on them liking Peach in a cat suit either. Too insulting.


Current campaign I'm running, I decided to dispense with the usual figure in a cloak nonsense. The first words of the campaign were "ok, let's have you roll for initiative" 😁 We just passed 3 years last month actually 🤩 (Yes, we had a session 0 first, so the players - who had all played in a previous campaign of mine - knew what to expect... but they didn't expect THAT!)

David Fenger

Most recent campaign started with us all previously captured by kobolds, and a big chase scene to escape the giant centipede they were trying to feed us to... No gear until the end of the chase -- the fastest got a few extra rounds to find their gear and prepare.


Love it! Players need a reason to work together. "Oh shit, we'll die if we don't!" might be a bit on the nose, but damned if it doesn't work.


I learned years ago that it's best to start off with all the characters knowing each other and with a concrete adventure in the offing that they all have a reason to go on.

Martin Boudrias

In my most recent campaign, the DM had us all roll 2D20. Then he told us that that was how many 100s of platinum we were in debt, which we now had to work off to earn our freedom. I rolled high

Jared Fattmann

Are we sure Nanase doesn't know what she's doing? Cause her fantasy panels are on point.