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From what they'd heard, both Sarah and Tedd had a general idea of what to expect from the magic tea. What they had thoroughly underestimated was how much a single cup would do, how much Sarah should have worn prior to drinking it, and how thoroughly playful Sarah would feel after drinking it.




Is Ted , ah, male in this? I am pretty sure, but just want to check. Everyone else, see if you can spot what's tearing!


To my overactive imagination? Yes. Plus I think Dan likes it when people can't rell.


I do! But the intent was male. Tedd's gender wasn't specified in the poll, and Tedd's default form is male (granted, he can change her default form now, but that's beside the point).


"I think the next one's going to break the 'technically naked' level." "So go for it?" "Well... We need the data. Also we now know that Carol didn't drink as many as we thought." "Probably not, yeah."


Given that she's apparently just finishing it off in the image, it might not even take another one ;)


There's been a whole running gag with characters not knowing if Tedd's male or female at a given moment throughout the comic, to have the readers also question this takes skill. :)


When you need the data, YOU GO FOR IT.


I'm going with female, no bulge and a hint of muffin top.