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Seriously close to beginning.

- At egscomics 


YOU'RE WELCOME, readers who would've gotten confused by four new names.

Also, you're welcome, ME, who didn't want to keep track of those, either.


I felt it made sense for George and Nanase to be closest to Ellen. Since George is assisting with rules, he wound up on Ellen's right side to be Ellen’s right-hand man.

And since Rich is was too nervous to sit next to Nanase, and I didn’t want him overly distracted due to Nanase proximity, he’s in the chair furthest from Nanase.

That's how I decided on the seating arrangement. Will I regret this later based purely on who talks to whom when? It's possible, but I'll stand by it in any case because the in-universe logic is more important than panel layouts.

In theory, anyway.

Apologies in advance, future me.




As a reader, I understand keeping the names. As a TTRPG player, a DM telling players not to make up character names fills me with rage.


It's... fiiiine. It's a one-shot. Don't take it too seriously


As I recall they are using pre-gen characters anyway... also Ellen is saying that they are referring to people by their actual names and not character names not that they shouldn't bother with coming up with character names at all.

Prof Sai

When they start playing it should turn into Knights of the Dinner Table, with everyone in 2D on one side of the table.

James C

If they want names that will be easy to keep track of, then I suggest "Lorri", "Ratch", "N'Naçay", and "George". Make up your own head-canon on who gets each name. And, of course, the all-powerful "Level Narrator" running the game, or the "L.N." for short


I helped a friend test run a con game today, and just used my own name for my character's name because I can never think of names off the top of my head.

Some Ed

@Shaneusm: Most of the premade characters I've seen came up with premade names, so I'm not imagining them coming up with names for the characters. My head canon on this is Ellen took a peak at the premade character names and decided they were in some manner more egregious than most. Whether that's because one of them's named F'thl'th and another Grzkl'mrzkdjl or some other reason is anybody's guess, but I kind of recall having seen a premade with a name similar to one of those. I'll leave it to anyone else interested in guessing to figure out which of them was an attempt at reproducing the worst premade character name I can almost remember.

Jacob Barboza

I agree with your decision for not naming the characters here (at most I would have 'Romanized' their names [Georgicus, Richidus, etc]), but if you are ever looking for names on something I find just looking at the credits on a movie can give you names you never would have thought were real, just because there are people of all different heritages there.