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It was a gradual thing. At first, the very idea of being seen without clothing, or seeing anyone else without clothing, was enough to make Sarah blush and run out of the room.

As more and more experiments with various wardrobe complications took place, however, Sarah became more and more accustomed to it.

It eventually reached a point at which not only would she not care, but she'd forget she wasn't wearing anything. On more than one occasion she started to leave Tedd's house without her clothes, and on one particular occasion that Tedd has yet to make sense of, she arrived at his house as such, and never acknowledged the situation.

Tedd has some concern that this all might be more a side effect of one of their experiments than a natural shift in personality, but he's far too nervous to say anything.



Stephen Gilberg

Even Grace isn't that immodest anymore.


... Okay, this is super cute.

J. Jenny Jameson

Don't worry Tedd, she's probably just a repressed nudist at heart. More power to her, I say.


If she ever has concerns that Tedd would hit on her, she can just tell Tedd to turn into a woman, right?


Them hips though.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

... and suddenly Tedd's decision to get a high-backed office hair, rather than a lower one with a headrest on a stick, is a pr... looks wise, very wise.

Sam Mann

Either Grace has a new Sarah form or Sarah herself has been haning with Grace too long.


Whether she is growing or is at a good angle, they look very appealing.


I fail to see the logic underlying this conclusion.


Ms Sarah "I have a no cleavage clause in my contract" Brown now forgets to put on clothes before going to Tedd's lab? I accept this as Freaking Canon.


that time that Tedd accidentally created a nudist XD


I think it's more that Grace is aware that many people would have an issue with her going around naked, MV5 showed that with her being comfortable being naked around friends, but only when Edward isn't around because it was one of the rules that she wasn't to be going around naked when he's around.


Yeah, kudos to Dan for making this cute. :)

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Here: (Oops! See two posts down for fixed version.) I bet he'd blush more if she leaned further forwards and rested more on him.


That ear peeking from behind Tedd's neck though.... Otherwise, good try. :)

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Oh dear me, that *is* embarassing. Here: <a href="http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn9/Sableagle/Detritus/1610-2-4b-casual_low-back_zpsdutbuznd.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn9/Sableagle/Detritus/1610-2-4b-casual_low-back_zpsdutbuznd.png</a> Fixed! I had to lengthen Tedd's hair as well as Sarah's.

John Trauger

NAKED TIME! If Tedd and Grace ever break up for any long period of time, I'd fully expect Sarah and Tedd to want to get together. Like Elliot and Susan x 10.

Daryl Sawyer

I was hoping there was a story behind this shot, and was not disappointed. :D

Frédéric B.

According to what Tedd said of how transformation acts on sexual orientation, that wouldn't remove Tedd's attraction to women though. That would just make him attracted to dudes too.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

I suspect Perverted Tedd's quietly morphed into Harmless Tess somewhere deep inside Sarah's mind. She may love him, but in the way that calls for hugs more than it calls for jokes about gay hobbits.

John Trauger

Could be, but Sarah's surface prudery hides something of a "perverted Tedd" underneath. It's that Tedd has become conscious and careful of consequences that Sarah is able to freely participate in "sexy awesome play" games with him and Grace.