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Angry Devil

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I don't think anyone's guessed what Ellen has in mind, which, for once, I was actually concerned about someone doing.

This was mostly due to the lack of foreshadowing (GASP!), so someone might've assumed I was taking someone's guess and running with it, and I'd have nothing to point at to say "behold, t'was the plan all along! FORSOOTH!"

(That's another reason I like to foreshadow. It's a bit like showing your work in math class.)

Anyway, depending on how well people know me, what Ellen has in mind might be easy to guess.




Hmm... Problem is, typically that'll only get you so far before it doesn't work 🫤

Dan Merget

I think I see where Ellen's going with this. Nanase could be (say) a farmgirl who was raised by an overprotective grandma, and has never been outside the farm. But she has barbarian fighting skills from wrasslin' them farm critters, or maybe cleric abilities because some goddess she never heard of came down one day and blessed her with powers she doesn't know how to use. But then she has to leave the farm because, I dunno, maybe orcs destroy the farm and kidnap her grandma, forcing her to venture out into the unfamiliar wider world to find out what happened to grandma... Or they could go the truck-kun route. But I like the first one better. Which pretty much guarantees the comic will not do that. :-)


Nanase: "You...you can DO that?"


Eh. I mean, the basic idea is to make a character who in-universe doesn't know what's going on to match the player's lack of knowledge. It also allows the character to progress in their expertise at pace with the player, who in most scenarios is trying their best to learn


Is Nanase going to play Gourry?


Taking player worries, addressing them, and finding ways to help someone play despite those worries. This makes me think Ellen's going to be a good DM. :)