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Not Nervous Nanase!

- At egscomics 


I used to avoid putting nervous sweat drops in characters hair, as I felt people would interpret it as trying too hard to "be anime".

The thing is, the nervous sweat drop over hair happens for at least one reason: One some faces, if you don't put them over hair, it looks like crying.

With Nanase's current style, it's either slap that sweat on hair, or risk it being mistaken for tearful Nanase. I have chosen the former.

And, frankly, I don't think many would actually care if I tried too hard to "be anime" (whatever the heck that actually means).



Prof Sai

Be honest with your girlfriend, Nanase! Also, favoritism!


I think we can agree that it's just the right amount of anime. For whatever that means.

James C

Hair is not a uniform and solid object. It is made up of individual strands, and having enough gaps between strands results in a translucent sort of effect (like looking through gauze). One of the reason for the manga/comic (and, subsequently, anime/cartoon) trend of drawing things like eyes/eyebrows/sweatdrops over the hair, is because it's an easier way to indicate "there are enough gaps in the hair to make it translucent", without needing to draw excessive levels of detail.

Stephen Gilberg

That angel looks more like a fairy.


Nanase does have a fairy spell, so it seems appropriate.