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I don't want to have to start deleting suggestions, but it's getting out of hand in some cases.

It's not good to flood the surveys with a ton of suggestions from one person. It dilutes the results, and I'm less inclined to put anything from such spamming onto an actual poll.

EDIT: Actually, I have deleted some. Mostly repeats from last month, and one that actually already won a poll, oddly enough.



oops, i'll go take down my extras

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

I should probably have added credit to the ones I reposted, but I honestly can't remember whose idea the Dex + Dex Fairy was. It's been there for months, waiting for the Mermaids to have their turn so it could be in fifth place. I didn't want to name everyone else whose ideas I'd liked and then steal credit for that one. "Long legs long hair Ashley" is mine but ... it was inspired by someone else's that I can't remember now.