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Fear not, I haven't forgotten about Nanase. She's going to be part of this mess, too.

It will be the story's job to get this point across, but I'll make note of it now for any experienced Table Top Role Playing Game (TTRPG) players reading who are presently alarmed:

Yes, this is an absurd thing to agree to within five minutes of learning a new edition of a game you loosely ran years ago exists.




Wow, having someone judging your game sessions would seriously put a crimp in my enjoyment.

Stephen Gilberg

They'll have to take turns as GMs. This could take many hours.


I am less dubious of Ellen running a campaign she isn't familiar with then I am of her running one with a self declared troublemaker she does not know


"within five minutes of learning a new edition..." Did I miss something? Did Ellen already read the whole book? ^_^ Not that this point in any way makes it less absurd.

David Fenger

It's a convoluted sentence but she learned it *exists* five minutes ago.


Noone can run a game as well as they think they can unless they are very insecure about running games. Like myself and one of the DMs I play with.


"I can make a better interactive story than you!" "Oh yeah?" "YEAH! Just let me check if my girlfriend is interested first, but YEAH!"


https://youtu.be/8YRImKNAlqA This is kinda the vibe I'm picking up from this whole situation.


Having run literally hundreds of TTRPG sessions: the rules are secondary. This is not miniature Napoleonic battles wargaming. If you have good stories, can act out the various characters, and have the knack of getting players to do "heroic adventure improv" correctly, the rules will only come up every once in a while.


Rich is going to do whatever he can to ruin her game, isn't he. :|

John Trauger

Find out if Nanase wants to play first.

Sergei Alderman

I suspect Ellen is gonna show Rich all the things he could have done to manage problem players back then if he'd had the confidence to

Sergei Alderman

It'd be hilarious if Nanase is like "nah, you're on your own on this one, GF" and she has to hunt for players: Rich, Larry, Grace, Dex, Some Guy....

Wild Card

Rich: fireballs coming online, Ellen!

Some Ed

Hunt? Not really. This is just Rich's thinly disguised attempt to get a new GM, since their last one quit on them. He's secretly really excited they're getting one this easily. j/k


I have learned a game at the same session I sat down to play it, but never as a GM. So this should be hilarious, as intended.