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Epic backstory time.

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Rich didn't just enter life with his attitudes.

Maybe some people do, but THAT only happens if they were reincarnated, AND someone messed up the whole "fresh memories" deal, which is not something that typically happens by anymore.

Not since "the incident".

GRANTED, there are exceptional cases in which there's some divine being rewarding, or making amends to, someone for various things from their previous life, and... What?

Oh. Right. Secrets of universe and all that.

Forget I said anything.




Yikes! Makes me want to go give all my players Inspiration for our next session just in appreciation for NOT being anything like the dillweeds that broke him that way...


Yeah, I can see Rich’s POV. But I can see Ellen’s too. Playing with Ted and Sarah would have been chill. Ellen/Elliot have never met a “thatguy”.


And thankfully grappling is a lot more simple in 5e.

Stephen Gilberg

I picture that as all one session, and his stress is brightening his shirt.

Daryl Sawyer

lol, grappling was stupid broken in 3e (or at least 3.5). It was basically a "win button" against any single target (unless maybe it had way too many limbs or something). Though I suppose it makes sense to make grappling broken... but then give any warrior worth his salt some ability in it, since historically speaking, grappling was an important part of just about any martial art, whether Eastern or Western.

A Red Mage Named Blue

Rich's problem is that he assumes everyone else's experience is the same as his own. He hasn't had that emotional maturity moment that we saw Larry have

David Fenger

Remember that there's always the option of having a dragon strafe the group...


I'm quite sure that's why "Rocks fall, everybody dies" is a thing...


he isn't wrong


I was thinking the same thing. He's expecting Ellen to have dealt with the same things he did, when she remembers playing with friends who were (I think it's safe to say) easier to game with.

Jathby Dredas

Different skillsets, improv vs. stacked mechanical interpretation. But I think we're leading up to that lesson.


He might have thought that those *were* his friends.

Ed Abrams (aka The Superdak)

I would have responded, as the princess, as if those comments were directed with the same tone and intent AT the princess. With ALL that implies.