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I’m taking the next week off from posting comics and sketchbooks.

The next week of my personal life is a bit of a mess, and how complicated it will actually be is up in the air. I might have as much as 80% of my usual time to work, or I might have as low as 0%. I won’t know until very last minute.

I’ve also had difficulty writing this week with the next week looming, which is embarrassing, but true. Even if next week miraculously became normal, I’d be in a bit of a situation.

I hate to do this, but I’m just taking the whole week off. If I do have time to work, I’ll use it to work ahead (or catch up, as the case may be).

I’m sorry for the delay and suddenness of the announcement, and thank everyone for their patience and/or impatience (the latter I can take as a compliment of sorts).

* Additional note for $3+ Patrons: I'm going to finish Saturday's milestone image tomorrow, so there won't be early access this week. My apologies for that.



Hopefully the week is peaceful and you get your 80%! And I hope I speak for everyone when I say you should never feel the need to apologize to us. We are all here for you, and are perfectly happy to wait. :D


Take care of yourself Dan


I hope your week will go as well as it could, and you can come back in great shape and with some comics ahead!


I just want to say: there's no need to feel embarrassed that looming difficult situations make it difficult to work. You're not a robot (as far as we know 😄). Those emotions are completely understandable, whatever you have coming. Wishing you all the best!

John Trauger

Take all the time you need. Even if you have time to plot, write and draw, consider building yourself a buffer.

Dan Curtis

you deserve time off.

Wild Card

Take the week off, you need the break.


you could have just put the first line and it would be 100% ok. Hope everything is ok.

Servo Kamen

Do what you need to. Best of luck!

John Weiss

Came here from EGS wanting to wish you well. Take all the time you need. Do NOT try to do any work on the comic(c) UNLESS it provides you with Distraction from what is going on around you. Be well, Dan!


You may already work too much. Good luck with the thing!