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Card games are COMPLICATED.

- At egscomics 


This is changed significantly from how I first imagined it.

As originally imagined, Rich would react to Ellen saying card games are too complicated by thinking for a moment, then saying "I prefer Velma to Daphne" to himself. This would confuse Ellen and Larry, each of them failing to pick up on the context.

This would have been a reference to Scooby Doo, and intended to imply that Rich prefers smart, nerdy girls (no offense to Daphne, all Rich opinions belong to Rich, and do not necessarily reflect those of the author).

It wasn't entirely clear what exactly Rich meant by this even if one did get the reference, and it did rely on a reference, so I decided to do something else. I'll have other opportunities to reference Scooby Doo that are less likely to confuse anyone.

Something I also like better about this version is that it gives some insight into what Rich is actually looking for in women beyond the superficial. Granted, some of you might consider this too much information, but I like having it established anyway.



Matt R

The Three Ellens


To be fair, he might be sensing that Ellen can crush him. Literally. With her bare hands. Or a Tamashii Gekido -- anyone else remember the Soul Ripper, last seen what, a dozen years ago? (First appearance: https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2002-04-18)


It's interesting to me that both imaginary Ellens are wearing lipstick.

Some Ed

This reminds me of the one woman, back in the day, who told a group of people of whom I was a member that she didn't like card games because they were too complicated. Having played card games with her previously, this confused me, but I didn't say anything, because we were in a group and while we weren't dating or anything, I didn't feel like a public confrontation over something of no consequence to me, but possibly of consequence to her. The general reaction was one of disappointment. They were hoping to find someone to take on her brother, who was obnoxiously good at the card game they'd specifically been hoping to get her to play. When I did get a chance to ask her about it later, she explained, "Oh, sure, I like playing with *you*, but I'm just tired of that whole meta game where I need to figure out exactly how badly I should beat my brother at his favorite game, because if I do it *too* hard, I get in trouble for making him cry. If I don't do it hard enough or accidentally let him win, he's insufferable. They were suggesting card games because they were hoping they could teach me and I'd magically be able to trounce him despite somehow being brand new to the game he's been playing since he was eight, right?" I'm not sure of Ellen's angle here, but I wouldn't put it past her to be concerned about the "meta game" as well.


Rich was probably one of those kids who had a crush on the sexy librarian.

Diego Rossi

I think the "meta game" is: "I don't want this guy teaching me how to play. If I want to learn a card game I ask Tedd."

Some Ed

Does Ellen know Tedd's familiar with card games? Is Tedd familiar with a lot of card games, or do they mostly just play the one they did in the tournament? Justin may be a more likely candidate. She knows and trusts him, maybe not as well as Tedd, but they go back a way as well. He's also the type who is likely to be familiar with the merchandise he sells, and he's been involved with the store for a long time - possibly from before he could walk. But I do think you're right in that she has people she trusts whom she could ask if she were inclined. As someone who hangs out at the comic shop, she probably is also familiar and comfortable with George and Tensaided, who are both very likely to be safe wells of knowledge on this subject. As an employee of the store, George has an added incentive to not be a dick, but I don't think he'd be inclined to be regardless. Tensaided of course has demonstrated being trustworthy in this regard to Sarah with enough drama that she probably mentioned it to others enough their whole friend circle knows. Sorry if this response is overly short. I fail at being reasonably concise in my responses.


Be careful of Scooby Gang references, you'll get into Buffy territory. Which would make Justin happy. And probably even get a wry smirk from Susan the Abomination Slayer.

Dan Curtis

card games are also ludicrously expensive


"I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass" - Spike Spiegel

Some Ed

Depends on the card game and the rules one plays with. I never found Uno or Bohnanza to be all that expensive to play. Poker's not expensive by the rules I play with, but I know many people have lost millions playing it. Collectible card games, of course, are ludicrously expensive by design.

Stephen Gilberg

This is actually a point in Rich's favor. The worst guys want dumb women.

Some Ed

Yes, but he thought the word 'nerd'. Depending on stuff, that might include "socially inept so she's easy to isolate so she won't feel like she can leave me". Sure, he has some issues himself, so he may not feel like he could compete enough for someone who was both social and beautiful. But a desire to isolate ones significant other against their will and prevent them from leaving is never OK. Maybe that's just me being an old fogey who grew up when nerd was a bad word and seeing too many abusers (mostly guys but a few women also) with that MO.

Frédéric B.

Alarming indeed; but in Rich's "defense" he's probably too shortsighted to think that far ahead.