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In alphabetical order, can vote for as many as you like.

It's difficult to tell what was truly popular in a recent survey just based on "likes" (especially with later suggestions), so I selected several for this poll that I thought would have a chance of being chosen to help me narrow down end of month poll options.

There'll be more polls like this in future months, and there'll be polls that exclusively have masculine-only pairings in the future. I didn't think they'd have much of a chance in this poll.



There seems to be a typo, I see Grace with Sarah and Sarah and Tedd and after the blushing when they tried to explain away shenanigans occurring during magic testing that's no longer non-canon.

Daniel Jarrett

I am saddened by the fact Susan and Tedd didn't make this poll

Some Ed

I think you assume one of the three obvious possibilities for that happening is clearly not the case. Or would you actually be saddened to learn that Susan and Tedd were canon? I mean, it could be, just, because Susan, it's a bit less than obvious to the readers.