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Single Character
1 - Susan in a one piece swimsuit - 75
2 - Naughty Librarian Amanda - 72

3 - Shrunk Rhoda in cup of magic tea - 60
4 - V5 Ellen in a belly dancer outfit - 60

Two Character
1 - Sarah casually without clothes around Tedd - 94
2 - Mall-Date!Elliot and Mall-Date!Ashley - 76

3 - Cheerleadra and Party Form Elliot proving they're two people - 71
4 - Shrunk Rhoda and Catalina with a cupcake - 49

1 - Ashley to six-foot tall FV5 with skimpy clothing - 75

2 - MV5 Justin in swim trunks only into FV5 Justin with no change in the clothes - 70
3 - Ashely drinking a large cup of magic tea - 58
4 - Susan to "mall date" Susan (pink-haired, shorter and bustier) - 56

Thank you all for voting and for your support!

Now begins a spoooooky month of, um... Huh. None of these are particularly spooky, are they? Um...




Don't worry, that's what the "artist choice" pinups are for. Though I'd would've liked to have seen something spooky to vote for.


Halloween Day isn't until the 31st of Halloween (apparently the name of the month has been changed). So if you put up polls with spooky options then, that's good enough.

Connie Edogawa

Yes! My two character idea won! Now I just need to suggest a winning sequence. Almost feel like it should be mall date related just to keep up the pattern.


Ah, darn! My idea about Cheerleadra and Party Form Elliot lost by just 5 points. Oh well, maybe next time. :)


Two of mine won.....huh....I suddenly feel like maybe I shouldn't actually propose anything next time around.


Nothing in the descriptions says you can't, for instance, have Ashley turn into 6-foot tall FV5 Ashley in skimpy *spooky* clothing, or that the mall-date outfits might could be when the Mall is celebrating Halloween or something. You could probably find some way to spook up any or all of those options and still meet the criteria just fine. ;)


I'm a tad heartbroken that one of my fave couples don't get their giant cupcake :,(

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Susan in a black one-piece swimsuit <i>with a silver spider-web pattern</i>; naughty librarian Amanda filing the books <i>of witchcraft, wizardry and Incubus control</i> (please keep your Incubus on a lead); Sarah casually answering the door <i>to trick-or-treaters</i> naked at Tedd's house; Mall Date Elliot and Ashley on a <i>Hallowe'en</i> date; Ashley to 6' FV5 in skimpy <i>Hallowe'en</i> costume. Easy. :)