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What lurks in the mind of Rich?

- At egscomics 


When I think of a "tomboy", my brain goes to sports, and stereotypically masculine activities. I GUESS that last panel counts, but Rich and I are not on the same page here.

Granted, we share very few pages.

Worth noting is that Larry did not say he was thinking of anyone as dudes. He said he "might as well be talking to a dude", which was mostly just Larry's questionable way of saying he was going to just be himself and act naturally.

It's POSSIBLE Rich has gotten the wrong idea here.



Jenora Feuer

It's amazing how much easier things are once you stop making them harder for yourself. And assuming any particular class of other people are some unsolvable mystery (rather than just, say, PEOPLE) is one of the ways far too many folks make things harder for themselves.


I'm a tomboy who hates sports. I'm happy to try and climb a tree or fence, but going to a proper climbing gym as a kid was oddly unrewarding, and when I tried it as an adult I was expected to wear proper shoes, which made my big toes very angry and red, and use climbing chalk, which is not a texture I can cope with.


I have other health issues that make most exercise either unpleasant or contraindicated... But really, besides missing squats a bit, I'd rather be on the computer :) ....which has also become difficult. I need a new body.

A Red Mage Named Blue

The trick is to remember that there's a human person brain inside of that hot girl

Stephen Gilberg

I tend to find tomboys no less attractive, as long as they have a compatible orientation. The athletic ones, while not having that in common with me, get a bonus for fitness.

Some Ed

I don't particularly have the same picture as Rich when I think of a tomboy. On the other hand, 'tomboy' is basically a girl that acts like a boy and that's possibly Rich's idea of his own behavior, so... As far as whether tomboys are attractive or not... Tomboys are much more likely than other girls to be the one to make the first move in a relationship. As a shy guy, I therefore find them to be more attractive than average.

Some Ed

That said, I've known some people who decided to embrace the idea that they should be unsolvable mysteries, which also makes things impossibly hard. To be clear, it's possible the woman I was interested in back in the day was like that, but I don't really know, as I didn't manage to sufficiently figure her out to be sure. But she did at least seem to try to evade actually talking about stuff. It's also possible that she just didn't like me and my psychologists are just telling me she probably did because they think it's better for their wallets. That said, I definitely knew some girls back in high school who were definitely doing this to the unfortunate guys who were interested in them. I got to find out they were definitely doing this because I wasn't one of those unfortunate guys. To be clear, raising the bar for the people you're attracted to is just as bad as raising it for yourself, just in different ways.