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Ellen's Secret!

- At egscomics 

This got posted a LITTLE late because I was juggling scheduling a few things all at once earlier, and accidentally dropped this one. My bad!


The origin of this storyline was simple:

I wanted to give Ellen and Nanase more panel-time.

Like, that was it. That was the quest I gave myself.

It has evolved a LOT since that starting point, and is even now continuing to evolve, and where it's going now is something I definitely could not have predicted.

For one thing, George is a significant part of the storyline now. That was definitely not something I would have predicted when I set out with the goal of Ellen and Nanase doing stuff.




Ohhhh this is new, I like this. I really enjoy George as a character! Glad he's in this story.

Matt R

He's never seen the two of them together, has he?


I appreciate that George is considerate to "formerly Elliot Dunkel's" situation while he's off in the deep end imagining up his imaginings.

Stephen Gilberg

If he did, he might think she had the power to be in more than one place at a time. Hey, a squad goes with the cheerleader theme.

Stephen Gilberg

George had better be careful. The most extreme trans hate to hear their former names even with "formerly."


*snort* - so close, and yet so far away


...Has he never seen the two together?

Dan Merget

Clark Kent and Superman have appeared together multiple times, with one of them portrayed by Martian Manhunter, Batman in disguise, a robot duplicate, etc. Clark knows people with interesting abilities. And so does Elliot. Between Grace's shapeshifting and Tedd's TF gun, Elliot has at least two ways to be in two places at once. George may not know those details, but he knows *something* is up with Elliot's friends, and he's genre-savvy enough to assume Elliot could pull it off somehow. Seeing Ellen and Elliot together wouldn't be a problem for George's theory. The fact that they go to different schools is a bigger problem.


It is good to see the two of them again. Nanase was my favorite character before Ashley showed up and stole my heart, and she hasn't been around much lately.

Martin Boudrias

So George is like, half right here. Maybe 3/4.


Man, never before has someone been so right while also being so wrong

Servo Kamen

The technicalities in this! LOL. He’s right, but in the wrong way.

Rachel Greenham

Nope. We all hate it. Just some are more likely to kick up about it. Once is an accident, twice is getting careless, three times is a hostile act. However that's just about what you call us out loud, to our faces, in anyone's hearing. What you're using in your head to keep things straight, especially during a transitional period, is your own business.


This exact scenario has also been utilized in canon, so he's not even far off the mark.

Some Ed

serious: I think your comment would've been better stated as "Most trans" rather than "The most extreme trans". Changing ones "given" name is a big step. There are a few people who do so lightly, and in so doing don't necessarily accept their new name as part of themselves. Maybe they didn't see their old name as part of themselves, either. But in general, whether or not someone is trans, if one goes through all the work necessary to completely change ones given name from a legal perspective, it's a big deal. "Trans" is one reason for it. But even if someone cis goes to that much work to go by a different name, it's probably a good idea to respect it. The one example that comes to mind is someone who, back in the day, did a lot of things that they now strongly regret. They've done what they can to redress their former misdeeds, but they still want to distance themselves from what they'd done as much as possible. They're cis, but deadnaming them more or less tells them you don't think they're capable of change. That deep down, they're still the person that did those things. That they could do them again. Even with the qualifier "formerly." kidding: In Ellen's case, she was so bothered by how much of a bully she'd been to bullies, she just couldn't go on. She's not *really* trans, she just needed as much distance as she could get. And so she changed as much from who she was as possible. ;)

Some Ed

I don't know, there's a lot of competition for that title. But this feels like a strong contender, at least.

Wild Card

George, I know you are trying, but that formerly part is something you should never do once you learn someone's new name.